For those of you that can’t help with the physical work to restore the canals, how about coming to a fun day to help raise the funds to restore our two heritage boats BAINTON and BERKHAMPSTEAD that are currently being restored at Norbury Wharf?
NEWPORT ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION CLUB, Bellmans Yard, High Street TF10 7AJ is the venue. Thursday 2nd December 2021 is the date and the event opens at 10 am.
The event will be on all day and includes a cake stall, a bric-a-brac stall and some wonderful Christmas items handmade by Angi Burford. (find her on facebook and private message her for details).
There will also be a tombola throughout the day with some wonderful prizes, including a free narrowboat hire for a day for up to 10 people; a Meal for 4 at the Junction Inn, a Telescope and many many more great prizes.
The bar will open in the evening when we will have a general knowledge quiz. Why not make up a team and take part? We’ll have some live music too. Lots of time to chat and meet old canal friends and make new ones too.
We will also have a fish and chip supper for those who want it. This will need to be pre-ordered, so please email me if you’d like to eat with us.
If anyone would like to donate more prizes, or items for the bric-a-brac stall, please email me for this too at: