Members’ Meeting, including Annual General Meeting.

The AGM will take place on Saturday 11th May 2024 at Rodington Village Hall, Rodington, Shropshire, SY4 4QS.

The hall is situated on Rodington Road to the west (away from the church) of the Bulls Head: Grid Ref: SJ586145; What3words ///lives.encoding.fluctuate.

The day will include two interesting talks, and the full programme for the day is:


Arrive, coffee etc.


Speaker: Lezley Picton, leader of Shropshire Council, will be discussing “Canal Restoration from a local authority perspective”.


Annual General Meeting

1.      To receive apologies for absence.

2.      To approve the minutes of the 22nd Annual General Meeting held on 25th March 2023.

3.      To receive the Report of the Trustees and Financial Statement for the year ended 30th September 2023.

4.      To Elect/Re-elect Directors/Trustees.

5.      Ordinary Resolution:  By the powers given under Article 25.7, that the number of Members required to nominate another Member for election as a Trustee in Article 25.6(b) be set at three.

6.      To receive the Report of the Chairman.


Lunch (see below)


Michael Limbrey, Chairman of the Montgomery Waterway Restoration Trust, will speak on “Restoration progress on the Monty.”


A buffet lunch will be available at a cost of £5 per head. This will be collected on the day, but please book by 6th May by email to or by calling/texting 07935 134116. Please also indicate if a vegetarian option is required.

Further information and documents relating to the AGM are available here:

Item 1: Apologies should be sent to

Item 2: Minutes of the 22nd Annual General Meeting held on 25th March 2023 – view.

Item 3: Report of the Trustees and Financial Statement for the year ended 30th September 2023 – view.

Item 4: Information on Election of Directors/Trustees – view.

Item 5: Background to Resolution – view.