Covid 19 What difference has it made?

Almost all of us have felt the force of this unwanted intruder into our lives.  SNCT is no different.  All work at Wappenshall, Shrewsbury and Newport has been suspended until further notice. This is costing so much in wasted time and hugely delaying when we could be earning an income from Wappenshall.

However: A great deal of planning is still going on so that when we can return, we can get straight to work 

Keep your eyes on our Facebook page for loads of stuff about us and latest news as and when it becomes available.

Please all of you keep safe and well in this crisis.


Whilst we wait impatiently to get restarted on our work at Wappenshall, this is a chance to bring you up to date with some of the achievements of our wonderful volunteers with some occasional help from outside sources too.


The Small Warehouse

The insulation in the roof has been completed. 50 Soffit vents have also been fitted.

Nearly all upper floor rotten floor-boarding and rafters have been replaced. All paintwork has been removed from the upstairs interior walls.

The ground floor quarry tiles have been lifted and safely stored. Over 20 cu metres of sand was excavated from under them and replaced with hardcore and damp-proof course. Just over 11 cubic metres of concrete was used for the new floor

Rear toilet block footings were built and a floor created with a damp-proof course and a concrete pour.   

We have spent a lot of time trying to find replacement bricks that match the existing ones. As we could not find suitable replacements, we are now looking to reuse the existing damaged bricks by removing them and turning them round so that the previously hidden face now becomes the outsidea3. To help us do this work we have employed a “specialist” who is experienced in traditional and historic brickwork conservation and with a grant from the IWA he has been running a training course so that our volunteers can become familiar in removing the bricks and replacing them using lime putty. This will enable us to gain useful experience not just for the repairs on the warehouses but on any other canal structures that need similar repairs.

The Large Warehouse

When planning permission for Wappenshall was gained, the planners added some Conditions.amongst which were a Bat and Barn Owl Roost.


This warehouse now has a 37cubic metre bat roost. The construction involved installing new timber floor joists, floor boards, new walls and plasterboard on the ceiling. 

It incorporates a 1 cu metre barn owl roost where a video camera has also been installed.

Downlighting cabling and plaster boarding have been fitted to the underside of the mezzanine floor and gable end of the bat roost and the trusses treated with wood preservative. 

We have created new access points in the apex of the roof and it’s all fully insulated.

This is first class luxury accommodation for the bats

The East Basin

If you haven’t been to Wappenshall for a while there are 2 things that will hit you as you arrive. 

Firstly, the house on the left as you turn in has been demolished.

Secondly and much more important there is a huge hole where the East Basin has been dug out.


The excavation involved the removal and transporting to tip of over 1400 cu metres of spoil. This happened early last autumn. Much work had been planned for autumn and winter but as I’m sure you all remember it rained and it rained and it rained.  At times it looked like a canal again the rainwater was so deep.  Only during the recent beautiful spring weather did it finally dry out.  But of course, lockdown came at the same time as the weather so we’ve been unable to get to work on it. Yet!  We have at least built a ramp to get us safely in and out of the basin.  Here I must once again say a huge thankyou to Denso, Aviva and other generous grant givers without whom we could do hardly any of this.



How can you help?

1, We already have a number of people who regularly write applications to many funding bodies.  We could do with a few more to join the team to ensure we don’t miss any opportunities.

2, Sign up at www.easyfundraising.org.uk  to raise money from all your internet purchases.  With amounts ranging from 0.5% from the likes of Amazon and Ebay, to larger amounts at approximately 4000 stores, the opportunities to raise money for no cost, are many. We have raised almost £2500 from just 82 supporters. Make sure to download the donation reminder, then you won’t miss an opportunity.

3, Sign up for the hottest charity lottery, TWINCL.   it gives a massive 60% to charity (not the feeble 28% of the national lottery) plus for every £1 stake you have a chance to win up to £25,000 each week.  It’s a win-win for the Trust and yourselves. Go to www.twincl.co.uk or phone 01952 327788, select the Canal Trust as your chosen charity and away you go. Currently we are raising over £3,250 per year. That’s 125 tickets per week.

4, We are currently researching a new way to raise funds. Similar to Easyfundraising it is known as Give as You Live.  You can register with them now.  This one will give you the opportunity to raise money for the trust when you shop for groceries too.

5, We also collect old stamps and scrap metal.  Keep all your aluminium drinks cans and drop then off at Wappenshall when we are up and running again.  These all help us achieve more.

6, If anyone wants to do a sponsored run, swim, walk round the garden or anything else please contact us and we will try and help.  If anyone knows what an unfit 67 year old with a bad back can do to raise money…let me know….?


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