At the last work party of 2020 the Wappenshall Team of volunteers managed to get another concrete pour completed on the main part of the retaining wall and the second top section poured too. We are now almost at the half way point of the whole 42m.

Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature
The first top section has cured and the formwork has been moved to pour the second one.
Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor
Alistair Carr adds in another shovel-full of concrete brought to him in wheelbarrows.
Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor
Martin Ayers uses the concrete vibrating poker to ensure all air bubbles are removed.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, tree, outdoor and nature, text that says "Merry Christmas from the Wappenshall Wall Team. 12/12/2020 SNS"
The Team pose for a photo before getting back to work.

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