On the 2nd September the restoration team, led by Trustees David Ray and Phil Jones, started the restoration of nb Bainton and Berkhamstead at Norbury Wharf. We are indebted to CRT for providing mooring alongside their Norbury yard and to Norbury Wharf for not only mooring space, but for the great support and assistance with this important restoration project.

Phil, Sue Hamer, Graham Ray and Mike Mee start work on Berkhamstead
Phil checks on progress so far.
Graham removes rusty gunwale bolts
Graham and Mike working on the port side.

The team are there every Friday from 10 till 4 pm. If you can help, you will be more than welcome. Check with Phil Jones to let him know you intend coming first, as Covid-19 may restrict numbers allowed to attend – 07935 134116 or email pjones@sncanal.org.uk

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